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05th May 2024 

I received my Reiki 1 shoden on 18/2/2017. It was a profound experience. Rosalind made me feel utterly relaxed and joyous in her company and through this experience I have unlocked my souls purpose to this amazing energy to heal myself and others. I was in and still am in such a state of bliss and happiness and I am so grateful to have had this opportunity. And am now saving for my Reiki 2 practitioner 

"Just a short note to thank you very much for today.

I was a bit apprehensive when I arrived about what was going to happen during the day and what might happen to me but you soon made me feel very welcome and at ease. What happened to me today was very powerful, much more so than I imagined it would be and I feel like a new chapter has opened in my life and I am looking forward to beginning to follow a new direction.
I had a great day also and can't wait to move on with Reiki. My knees were much better last night and this morning they did not hurt at all which is truly amazing, my back has also not ached at all today...fantastic, I haven't felt so well and mobile for a long time. Thank you."
MS Alresford


"I cannot stop smiling. It is like somebody has given me something really special and really precious. I now have to make sure I use it appropriately and kindly"! LS Fareham

"I have regained the peace that I used to have years ago".

"Blown away by the whole workshop".

"A life changing experience"!!

"I am still somewhere between WOW and I can’t believe it".

"Even better than expected


"Since doing my Reiki 1 and 2 and having healing with Ros, I have experienced a big shift in my energy, i feel a lot lighter and brighter as if the darker heavier energy has been lifted from me. As a result of this it seems that i am now attracting more positive experiences and more positive people into my life. Life is a lot easier and more enjoyable now!"

"A wonderful weekend in a wonderful environment. The course was magical and I would highly recommend experiencing it for yourselves. You couldn't ask for more from a Reiki Master - people that guide you and believe in you. A big thank-you"!
Nicky W Locksheath

"I just wanted to say thank you for today. I am feeling really happy and much more at peace with myself. I am very pleased and excited that I am doing master teacher level with you and it feels  really  right.


Testimonial AngelReiki
"Wow, I cannot believe how powerful this is!
I am humbled. L